What to expect...

We’ll set up an account for you so that any information you provide is securely stored. All information provided is strictly treated as private and confidential

So our lawyers are prepared for your call, we’ll need the following...

  • A brief description of your enquiry

  • Your contact details so we can set up the call

  • Any relevant documentation that may help our lawyers. This will be stored securely and confidentially as part of your account.

Your Enquiry

Please give a brief description about what it is you need to talk to our lawyers about. Will my information and documents be stored securely and confidentially?

Your Details

Please provide your details so we can contact you about your enquiry. We'll also set you up on a secure Essentials account, allowing you to manage your case and communicate with your lawyer.

How we contact you? We often have beneficial offers and content to help you and your business and would like to let you know about them from time to time. We will not pass your details onto other parties.

Your Organisation

Please confirm what capacity you’re working in

Are you enquirying as part of a company?

Your Booking
Coming Soon...